The abstract logo is the most common type of logo design that we see everywhere. As it is super common, it is a bit tough to impress customers with the design. You have to bring out all new ideas and techniques to make the logos more attractive and memorable.
Indeed, an abstract logo does not have colorful images and recognizable pictures. Instead, it presents geometrical shapes and indirect symbols. But that does not mean it is boring and less charming. You, as a designer can make the abstract logo a lot more fascinating and impressive for the customers.
Abstract logo design ideas with tips and techniques-
Use Symmetrical Pattern

The symmetrical pattern goes well with the companies that deal with customer’s focused or balanced life. It inspires people and gives an optimistic vibe. So feel free to use such patterns for a yoga center, healthcare organizations, fitness center, construction farms, and many more other businesses. Also, symmetrical patterns present the perfect abstract image that you want.
Go for Illustrative Design
The abstract does not always mean something so radical and ‘abstract’. You still can experiment with your creative thoughts with it. For example, you can create illustrative designs that may help people to discover new dimensions and perspectives of different objects. That is why we suggest you find out the most creative ways you can present an object. The sample logo has an orchid flower but does not completely look like it. This is how you can get the perfect abstract image for your logo design.
Try Solid Shapes
Solid shapes in the logo design look quite straightforward and give a clear perspective. They look abstract yet have no complex design. Customers do not find it hard to scoop out the message out of the logo. So if you want your business logo to be fairly creative yet easy-going, try solid shapes. Education institutions, training centers, or any other learning-based companies can use this technique to convey their purposes much clearly. We suggest you experiment with different colors with solid shapes for a better result.
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Round Shape for a Friendly Look
Apart from solid shapes, there are ample chances to experiment with round shapes. As this shape looks friendly and harmless, it is a better choice for abstract logo designs. Round-shaped logos give a welcoming vibe and help the customers to remember it easily. Colors, fonts, and decorative style will add another height to that logo design. So add it to your list of abstract design ideas.
Use Spiral Patterns
The spiral pattern gives an easy abstract look to any logo design. So it is quite safe and straight to experiment with. There is no way you may fail to present an abstract image with a spiral pattern. It even makes the logo a lot more creative and dramatic. Choose different types of a spiral pattern so that it does not look boring. Consider choosing the right color and font to take the logo to the next level.
Experiment with Vertical Lines
Using the vertical line is a common technique in logo designing. It is easy to present an abstract image with this idea. It gives you so many cool ways to design a logo. So feel free to experiment with vertical lines when you are about to design your next logo. Keep a balance between the abstract pattern and your text style to make the logo flawless and attractive.
Also Horizontal Lines
Like the vertical line, you can try experimenting with the horizontal line as well. It is another no-fail idea for abstract logo designing. There are so many ways you can make your logo stand out with it. Use as much of the negative space you need to present all your perspectives thoroughly. The horizontal line gives your text style another dimension looks as fascinating as effective in customer engagement.
Meaningful Logo Shapes
Apart from experimenting with geometrical and familiar shapes, try creating your own shapes for the abstract logo. What we mean is- make something new that will be relevant to the company’s brand value, motivation, and motto. It will help in customer engagement more than anything else. For doing so, brainstorm on a particular shape or pattern that complements the brand identity the most. Do not present anything entirely abrupt that may seem pointless.
Minimal Design
Minimal effort in logo design is perhaps desired by every designer. If you are one of them, this idea for you. You can choose to create a comparatively flat and simple abstract design along with some extra features. Surely they will increase the depth of your logo design. Consider selecting an eye-catching modern font so that it adds another level to the design. And you will get your perfect abstract logo design through such an effortless process.
Create Your Own Style
If you do not want to go stereotypical and love to create your own style, this one is the perfect idea for you. Keeping balanced relevancy with the brand value, motto and inspiration, create your own style and design. With this technique, your logo design will be unique and exclusive. There are so many different ways you can do so. For example, you can create a symbol with the letters or make an abstract illustration. Whatever you do, see that it matches with the company’s identity.
Make A Memorable Symbol
Every company wants its logo to be memorable and impressive for the customers. After all, a logo is the first thing they notice about the company. So it is a great idea to keep a memorable sign or symbol in the logo design so that customers remember it forever. Yes, that is why the symbol should be striking as well as relevant. In the sample logo, the designer has made a symbol with the letters ‘p’ and ‘I’ which is as attractive as effective. Also, it gives the right abstract look to the logo design.
Playful Design
The abstract design does not mean something moody or melancholic. You can still turn the ‘abstract’ into a playful and easy-going design. You do not even have to go through a complex process for doing so. Brainstorm on some design that will complement the company’s purposes perfectly. Use bright colors to enhance the easy look of the design. And choose a flat font to balance the look of the logo.
Make 3D Illustration
The 3D illustration is another great option to make the logo abstract yet attention-grabbing. This technique will take the logo to the next level. To do so, choose a 3D design that is relevant to the company’s identity and motto. Go for something eye-catching and striking so that no one can ignore that.
Find a Clever Way
Logo design is all about the presentation of the company’s motive. Instead of presenting that boringly, choose a clever way. Create a thoughtful and indirect design that will be as relevant as fascinating. You can make that abstract as well. Such clever designs will attract the customers and make them check out the company or the brand. And that is the success of a logo design.
Experiment with Line Art
Line art is one of the easiest yet effective ways to design an abstract logo. And you get so many options to experiment with line art. It is effortless because you can design whatever you want for the logo. The only thing that you need to see through is the relevance of the design. Once you get that, the logo gets its perfection too.
Try Ambigram Technique
Do you want your company to find its way in the vast market of competition? You probably understand the value of a perfect logo then. And one effective way to make a unique logo is through the ambigram technique. Take the first letters of your company name and create an exclusive design with it. And that is all. You will get your perfect abstract logo design this way.
Keep a subliminal Message
If you want your customers to remember your logo as well as the company for a long period, keep a subliminal message within the logo. You may show it indirectly through a clever design. No matter how you want to show it, make it interpretable for the customers. Otherwise, it will be pointless. For the most effective option, bring out the company’s deeper motive and purpose to show through the logo.
Go For Recognizable Pattern
Recognizable patterns mean something that will be recognized y the customers almost immediately they see it. It can be a pizza slice shape or a teddy bear shape. Whatever goes well with the company’s purpose, choose that for the design. After all, you do not want the logo irrelevant. So it is a cool idea to make your logo abstract through a recognizable pattern.
Use An Elegant Font
For a luxury beauty product brand or exotic perfume brand, you want the logo to be more than just beautiful. That is where an abstract design can come as a rescue. You can make the logo elegant and magnificent through an abstract pattern. The colors and font will play a great role as well. So combine all of them and you will get a luxurious logo for your company.
Keep a Dynamic Flow
An extreme abstract design can suffocate the eyes with its straight-up melancholic design. To avoid that, you can keep a dynamic flow in your logo design. Do not worry, we are not telling you to make something super dramatic that may go against abstractionism. Keeping the main vibe intact, bring a slight change in the design. Look at the sample logo and its dynamic flow. You need something like this in your abstract logo design.
Use Abstract Pattern
This idea is about the stereotypical abstract pattern that we see commonly everywhere. But trying something common does not mean almost similar to everything. You still can give a novelty to the design with your creative ideas. So feel free to experiment with old-school abstract patterns to give it a new and exclusive look. Use different shades of bright colors and an exotic font to make the logo more attention-grabbing and interesting.
Abstract Image Pattern
If you love designing and don’t mind putting some effort into it, try making abstract image pattern. For example, the sample logo has an owl image in it which is not so literal. This is what we mean by abstract image patterns. So, make your logo unique compared to other companies, it is a no-fail option. The best thing is- such designs go well with a lot of different company types. From real estate to coffee shops, you can design the logo using this technique.
Use Striking Colors
This idea is about the colors you may consider using in your logo design. While you are designing an abstract logo for your company or brand, use bold colors or colors that are not so common. It will catch the customer’s eye and make the logo a lot more delightful and admirable. Whatever you design for the logo, try using colors like hot pink, turquoise, lime green, etc. for a powerful and dominant look, this technique is super effective.
Show Your Creativity
If you have a creative mind, there is nothing that can stop you. That is true in logo designing as well. You can make thousands of abstract designs with your creative skill. So, try making something completely new for your next logo design. The sample logo given here has a design made with four of ‘F letter. And at the first sight, it is looking a random abstract pattern. There lies the perfection of the logo. You can try making something similar with your creative thoughts and designing skills.
Combine Patter and Letters Together
Like the sample logo, you can create a unique design by combining letters and patterns. It may be a soft rounded design with eye-catching colors or any other patterns just like we have shown you. But whatever you do, find a resonance with the logo pattern with the company’s perspective and purpose. As you must know for an effective logo design, relevancy is the key. So keep it in your list of ideas.
As you have seen, none of the ideas is tedious and dull. That is exactly the truth about abstract logos. They can be versatile and interesting as well. It mostly depends on your creative mind and designing skills. So instead of going literal, go for abstract. And keep our list of abstract logo ideas handy for inspiration.
Photo credit: 99 designs